The Great British Make Off

Date: 26/10/2015
Time: 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

”The Great British Make Off” is a programme of invention, experimentation and participation using new technologies, data, 3D printers and data sonification software.
This workshop will take you on a playful data journey culminating in an opportunity to make sound, jewellery or other artefacts from the data you have created, prepared and processed.

”The Great British Make Off” has been designed by FutureEverything and commissioned by Juice and Creative Space Management.

The programme will give you an introduction into environmental data, data art, data collection & manipulation and physical computing. Simultaneously it will provide you with an opportunity to use technology in the context of critical thinking and creative methods, allowing you to become creators, rather than just consumers of technology.

Interested in 3D printing, technology, data art, sensors and citizen science? This workshop is for you. Hurry, there are only 15 places per workshop and at the incredible value of £5 this is not to be missed. To buy tickets click here.

26th October 2015
This workshop is for ages 7 – 10 years
Start: 12 midday
Finish: 16.45pm
Sharing session: 16.45 – 17.30


Children can attend unaccompanied – adults are welcome to attend free of charge. There will be three workshop leaders, plus Juice staff volunteers in attendance.

Please note, some parts of the workshops will involve participants working in smaller groups off site at nearby locations in Newcastle city centre. Participants will be accompanied by workshop leaders and supporting volunteers at all times

All participants must complete a participation consent form, signed by a parent or legal guardian.