Serverless North East

Date: 21/03/2019
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Serverless North East is a group for people involved in developing software to discuss what serverless is/isn’t and how it can be used in application development. We will try to meet every month in the centre of Newcastle for a combination of talks and agile related activities. Anyone with an interest in cloud computing, uses AWS/Azure/Google or anything similar is welcome.


A journey towards Serverless – Dan Pudwell

Dan is going to talk about what Serverless is and how Grid Smarter Cities have become fully serverless.

As this is the first event we will be spending a bit more time networking and setting the scene for the community. If anybody has any questions or would like to contribute please get in touch.
We’re in The Core on the ground floor and will have pizza and beer sponsored by Grid Smarter Cities.